Hello everyone! My name is Erith and go by Hibblejaybob on that thar internets! I am a hobbyist YouTuber, and am starting to take my online work more seriously, with better videos, more educational content, and more software development! This is my second website, that combines all of my work into one, easy to find place!

What do I do? I make videos on a variety of subjects, covering 3 broad topics. I do driving videos, which show off the Emergency Services in Scotland, as well as videos highlighting the various incidents I come across on the roads, and videos showing how I drive. I am not an authority on driving, but I have been pleased with positive feedback thus far! I also love my video games, and regularly make videos showing off gameplay footage. I also do written and video reviews on video games, and mods! Finally, my channel is still my own personal channel, so I also post a variety of other interesting videos from my various travels! All of these videos, and more, can now be found on this site!

Why do I do this? Entertainment value aside, I suffer from a number of learning difficulties and mental health disorders. Rather than sitting back and let them win, this site and my videos are my way of learning how to deal with them! My articles and reviews help me find ways of dealing with dyslexia, my gaming videos help me deal with anxiety, and the racing and driving videos help me deal with my memory issues by forcing me to come up with conversations and talking videos, without relying on "cuts" & "takes".

Of course, the are other reasons I make videos too. Road safety has been a huge passion of mines for many years, and I am currently enjoying the reception I have been getting for my Driving Standards series. So much so, that in the coming days I shall be launching a new series called Driving Experience, which is a guided look at some of the journeys I do, showing & discussing what I'm doing while I drive. I hope people find it helpful!

What about me? I recently graduated with a masters degree in Astrophysics from the University of Edinburgh. I loved university, and I competed several interesting projects during my time there. If you're interested, you can check out my various projects on the science page of this website! Outside of academia, I have been a competition marksman with the Edinburgh University Rifle Club, and now the Edinburgh University Alumni Rifle Club. I have been shooting for 5 years and have attended a variety of competitions. I am also a hobbyist programmer, making a variety of mods, programs, & games in what little spare time I can find. More details on the software I produce will be available as the development process nears an end!

I hope you enjoy my content!
