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Death on Duty
[/one_third] [two_third_last padding=”0 10px 0 10px”] [one_half padding=”0 10px 0 10px”] Patrols 1 Pursuits 2 Armed Incidents 1 Arrests 1…
Introducing the Coastguard
[one_third padding=”0 10px 0 10px”][/one_third] [two_third_last padding=”0 10px 0 10px”] [one_half padding=”0 10px 0 10px”] Patrols 1 Pursuits 2 Armed…
Introducting the NPAS
[one_third padding=”0 10px 0 10px”][/one_third] [two_third_last padding=”0 10px 0 10px”] [one_half padding=”0 10px 0 10px”] Patrols 4 Pursuits 1 Armed…
NYP May Promotions
For continued service to the force, the following police officers have advanced their current rank: [one_third padding=”0 10px 0 10px”][/one_third]…