We take the privacy of anyone using this site very seriously. This page details the privacy policy that is enforced across this website, as well as other information sources such as Social Media. This page incorporates the Cookie Policy, The GDPR Compliance Statement, and any other legal information relevant to your privacy.
If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]
Cookie Policy
This website does use cookies for the best user experience. There is no custom coding on this website, therefore cookie generation is typically handled by 3rd party providers, including, but not limited to:
- WordPress
- GoDaddy
- Envira Gallery
- WooCommerce
- BeaverBilder
- MetaSlider
Please contact them directly for information on how they collect and use cookies & data.
Currently, all registrations including WooCommerce purchases are not allowed on this website. It is technically still possible, however, to register for the site. In this case the data you provide will be held per WordPress/WooCommerce systems but will not be used as these features are not in use on this website.
GDPR Compliance Statement
The vast majority of interactions with the Hibblejaybob website and associated social media accounts do not result in any information being collected or held directly by us, although third party providers may hold some data on their own systems (see the Third Party Data Collectors section).
Getting In Contact with Hibblejaybob
Getting in contact with us involves messaging us though an email provider. In this regard, the information that we can access will be A; what you tell us in your email, and B; what information is held by your own email provider. For information on what details are held or are accessible by your email provider, please contact them directly.
Any emails received are held in our email system and are not stored in any other locations.
Previous user information
If you were a customer or previous user of the Hibblejaybob website before the 25th of May 2018, your data has been deleted in full. This is due to restructuring of the website that no longer allows non-customers to register to this site, as a result, all users and their associated information have been removed from the website.
Data controller contact information
If you have any questions about the data control policies on the Hibblejaybob website, or associated social media accounts, or if you wish to inspect or remove your data from our control, please contact the site owner Erith McKean by emailling [email protected].
Third Party Data Collectors
Across this website and social media, there are plugins and platforms that are not owned or controlled by Hibblejaybob that may collect and hold data about yourself. Please see the list below for links to the GDPR / Privacy Policies for the 3rd party data controllers.
Please note that some companies are based outside the EU. For US companies, the US-EU GDPR compliance is called the "Privacy Shield".
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