Probably the single most influential chapter of Astrid's story so far is the Guarma arc. Read what happened to Astrið on 10th October 1901. Don't forget you can read the full story of Astrið's misadventure here:

Mr Herbie asked me if I wanted to come with him, he'd show me some things. I was nervous about leaving the port town - what if Jack came into town and found me not there?
Mr Herbie assured me we weren't going far. After all, there was no sign of Mr Kettleman anywhere, no-one had seen him or his people all day - no messages for me, nothing. It should be fine.
He took us up the hill and through "the village" - where the workers of the farms live. On the other side of the plantation was a large stone compound, each entrance closed over with big metal gates. A large building sits in the centre.
Mr Herbie assured me we weren't going far. After all, there was no sign of Mr Kettleman anywhere, no-one had seen him or his people all day - no messages for me, nothing. It should be fine.
He took us up the hill and through "the village" - where the workers of the farms live. On the other side of the plantation was a large stone compound, each entrance closed over with big metal gates. A large building sits in the centre.

Mr Herbie explained that this compound was the seat of the militia, that it was strictly off limits except for what he was showing us - that the militia would kill us if they found us in the compound.
He guided us towards what appeared to be a ruined tower. Around back of the main building there were a collection of cages. Big cages. Big enough for a fully grown adult.....
With that thought, I followed Mr Herbie just a little bit closer.....
He guided us towards what appeared to be a ruined tower. Around back of the main building there were a collection of cages. Big cages. Big enough for a fully grown adult.....
With that thought, I followed Mr Herbie just a little bit closer.....

In the tower there was a ladder leading underneath the compound. We descended into complete darkness - Mr Herbie's lantern the only tool by which we could see.
In the tunnel there was signs of excavation abandoned long ago, possibly when the tower was ruined. Alarmingly there was also a large mettle cage - big enough to hold maybe 20 people. No gate in or out - it's either there to keep people in or keeping people away from something..... I'm just going to keep following Mr Herbie!
In the tunnel there was signs of excavation abandoned long ago, possibly when the tower was ruined. Alarmingly there was also a large mettle cage - big enough to hold maybe 20 people. No gate in or out - it's either there to keep people in or keeping people away from something..... I'm just going to keep following Mr Herbie!

As we walked, the excavations turned into natural caves. Mr Herbie told us to watch our step and the reason soon became very clear!
We peered down a deep crevasse - the light from Herbie's lantern failing to illuminate the bottom. He warned us that no-one knows where these crevasses go, only that everyone who has gone down has never been seen again.
We peered down a deep crevasse - the light from Herbie's lantern failing to illuminate the bottom. He warned us that no-one knows where these crevasses go, only that everyone who has gone down has never been seen again.

We made it to the ledge from where the waterfall spills into the river below. I think this my favourite place on Guarma. Looking over to the hills and cliffs, there's a real beauty about this spot. Almost enough to make me forget there's a murderer here who wants me to bring two of my friends to him.....
Mr Herbie wanted to show me something else. I was worried about being away from the town for this long, but he assured me it wasn't any further away than the trading post.
Mr Herbie wanted to show me something else. I was worried about being away from the town for this long, but he assured me it wasn't any further away than the trading post.

Unlike the trading post, the path to this place involved climbing many ladders and scaffolding to climb high atop a cliff but eventually we made it. Mr Herbie calls this place the "cigar saloon".
It's pretty distinctive - the saloon sign is adorned with a taxidermy coyote with a cigar sticking out it's mouth!
It's pretty distinctive - the saloon sign is adorned with a taxidermy coyote with a cigar sticking out it's mouth!

It's a curious little place this: a ramshackle wood shack, held together with rusty nails and questionable scaffolding - yet beautiful in its own way. Whoever runs it has taken great care, adorning the place with candles and lanterns, beautiful tables and plants, and a piano of all things!
I peered out over the edge. Below us, across from the river, was the compound we just came from - lit up in the dark. Behind it, the fortress rises out of the ocean. Certainly an interesting place this, but I really need to get back to town, and so we set off.
I peered out over the edge. Below us, across from the river, was the compound we just came from - lit up in the dark. Behind it, the fortress rises out of the ocean. Certainly an interesting place this, but I really need to get back to town, and so we set off.

We noticed another group of men, 3 of them. All wearing dark clothing with masks up, two of them holding rifles ready. Mr Herbie ordered us to hide in the bushes while he approached the groups to find out what was going on.
He returned and with an hint of panic in his voice, he stated we needed to find Vasquez and fast. He explained that the group with their masks up were lawmen from Saints Crossing and they were saying they were here to take Jack Kettleman back. Oh my god, I can’t believe they’ve responded to Mr Kai’s request so quickly!
Herbie was just in the process of splitting the group to search the compound and the fortress for Captain Vasquez, when there was an eruption of cannon fire from the fortress. JJ, Herbie and I ran for the fortress – the heads of the militia were clearly there.
He returned and with an hint of panic in his voice, he stated we needed to find Vasquez and fast. He explained that the group with their masks up were lawmen from Saints Crossing and they were saying they were here to take Jack Kettleman back. Oh my god, I can’t believe they’ve responded to Mr Kai’s request so quickly!
Herbie was just in the process of splitting the group to search the compound and the fortress for Captain Vasquez, when there was an eruption of cannon fire from the fortress. JJ, Herbie and I ran for the fortress – the heads of the militia were clearly there.

As we got to the bridge, Captain Vasquez was walking down towards the beach, towards the situation. He was accompanied by Cecily and a man that that Vasquez called Damascus. Herbie explained the situation to Vasquez, that the Saints Crossing Sherrif Department was here and that Munroe said the law had been sent to Guarma to get the Kettlemans back.
My eyes widened as Vaquez loudly and proudly announced to the group: “no, no no, no-one removes anyone from this island without my permission”. Did…… Did he just lie to everyone here? He did, after all, summon for the law yesterday. I bit my tongue as Miss JJ and Mr Herbie ran off back to the situation further down the beach, while the rest of us continued walking.
My eyes widened as Vaquez loudly and proudly announced to the group: “no, no no, no-one removes anyone from this island without my permission”. Did…… Did he just lie to everyone here? He did, after all, summon for the law yesterday. I bit my tongue as Miss JJ and Mr Herbie ran off back to the situation further down the beach, while the rest of us continued walking.

For a brief moment Cecily ran ahead of us, and I used that opportunity to ask point out to Vasquez that he did indeed summon for the law – hinting at my confusion at his announcement to the group. Boldly, he replied back that there was a big difference between summoning someone to the island, and them conducting operations on the island without his permission.
I didn’t understand his words. Well, I did, but not the message behind them. Did Vasquez forget that I was there? He didn’t just summon the law, he specifically summoned the law for the express purpose of “dealing with Jack Kettleman”. Why the deceit? Why these games? What is Vasquez up to?
Vasquez and Cecily ran off down the beach towards the situation, Damascus stating he’ll just walk – that there’s no need for him to work himself into a sweat for no reason. I said this whole thing is a bit of a mess. Mr Damascus replied that he’s used to messes, although confessed he’s usually the one causing them. I noticed he said that while proudly wielding his machete in his hands.
I didn’t understand his words. Well, I did, but not the message behind them. Did Vasquez forget that I was there? He didn’t just summon the law, he specifically summoned the law for the express purpose of “dealing with Jack Kettleman”. Why the deceit? Why these games? What is Vasquez up to?
Vasquez and Cecily ran off down the beach towards the situation, Damascus stating he’ll just walk – that there’s no need for him to work himself into a sweat for no reason. I said this whole thing is a bit of a mess. Mr Damascus replied that he’s used to messes, although confessed he’s usually the one causing them. I noticed he said that while proudly wielding his machete in his hands.

Captain Vasquez and Mr Damascus approached what we believed to be Deputy Marshal Munroe to begin discussions. I stood with Cecily, Herbie and JJ. Herbie voiced his anxiousness that the two other lawmen were just standing there with their rifles in hands, just watching the groups.
Cecily was becoming increasingly irate at the situation. She began pacing backwards and forwards up and down the beach, trying to release of the anxious energy that was building up. She was clearly worried about what was going to happen on the island. She’s another one I can’t figure out what her plan is. She clearly has feelings for Jack Kettleman, but there she was running off alone to Vasquez before Herbie, JJ and I got there. What truly is her stake in all this?
Cecily was becoming increasingly irate at the situation. She began pacing backwards and forwards up and down the beach, trying to release of the anxious energy that was building up. She was clearly worried about what was going to happen on the island. She’s another one I can’t figure out what her plan is. She clearly has feelings for Jack Kettleman, but there she was running off alone to Vasquez before Herbie, JJ and I got there. What truly is her stake in all this?

The negotiations persisted for some time between Captain Vasquez and Damascus and Deputy Marshal Munroe. Eventually, one of them raised their hand and gestured for Mr Kettleman to approach them. Jack walked over, and the negotiations continued.
After a while longer, the hand rose up again, and Jack and the other Kettlemans were ordered away from the beach. Calmly, they walked off and disappeared into the treeline heading South. Vasquez and Damascus rounded up the deputies and began walking towards the fortress.
Interestingly, Cecily began walking after Vasquez, not the Kettlemans. Herbie immediately pointed out that this was serious and she wouldn’t be allowed up in the fortress with the militia. Cecily protested briefly, to which Herbie responded that she is already worried about whether Vasquez likes her or not, if he has to send her away from the fortress now, it will be very bad for Cecily.
After a while longer, the hand rose up again, and Jack and the other Kettlemans were ordered away from the beach. Calmly, they walked off and disappeared into the treeline heading South. Vasquez and Damascus rounded up the deputies and began walking towards the fortress.
Interestingly, Cecily began walking after Vasquez, not the Kettlemans. Herbie immediately pointed out that this was serious and she wouldn’t be allowed up in the fortress with the militia. Cecily protested briefly, to which Herbie responded that she is already worried about whether Vasquez likes her or not, if he has to send her away from the fortress now, it will be very bad for Cecily.

Nevertheless, despite the warning, Cecily – with Herbie, JJ and I in tow, began walking towards to the fortress to the tune of Herbie’s continued protests. Cecily’s emotions turned to distress, which turned to panic. Before I knew it, she had turned the other direction and was sprinting off at full speed!
I ran as fast I could, focusing desperately on her white shirt in the distance as she rounded the corner into the town. I followed her through the town when suddenly she cut right into the fields and at that point it was just impossible. Exhausted, I caught my breath. Where could she go? Back to the Kettlemans? They headed south from here, Cecily ran north. Well, it’s the only lead I’ve got.
I ran as fast I could, focusing desperately on her white shirt in the distance as she rounded the corner into the town. I followed her through the town when suddenly she cut right into the fields and at that point it was just impossible. Exhausted, I caught my breath. Where could she go? Back to the Kettlemans? They headed south from here, Cecily ran north. Well, it’s the only lead I’ve got.

I headed south myself, following the path up the mountain, trying to work out where they would have gone. I know they use the old church, but that is east of the beach not south, so it’s not there. I followed the trail all the way up to the doctors cabin, and that’s when I spotted movement: down on the cliffs at the arena. Looked like a good few people, although I couldn’t make them out from afar – it mast be them!
I precariously made my way down more questionable scaffolding and carefully approached the arena. I announced my presence and asked if I could approach. Jack Kettleman’s distinctive voice boomed out from within the walls.
I precariously made my way down more questionable scaffolding and carefully approached the arena. I announced my presence and asked if I could approach. Jack Kettleman’s distinctive voice boomed out from within the walls.

I cautiously approached the entrance to the arena as Jack and Pip appeared from behind the walls. I explained that Cecily ran away from me and I don’t know where she went -was she here? Completely ignoring the question, Jack instead asked with a firm tone if I left Guarma or not.
I reassured him that I did not, that I’ve been waiting for him, checking in at the port town as he instructed for any sign of him or a message that he left. “Well, Cecily ain’t here and we’re busy talking” Jack said, his tone clear that he wanted me gone as quickly as possible. But I’m worried about what she might do. “She’s panicked Jack, she was saying strange things before she ran off” I replied to him. With an eyebrow raised, Jack asked what she had said.
I recounted her panicked words to him, how she said she was going to fight the people that were on the beach – the people that had come to take the Kettlemans away.
I reassured him that I did not, that I’ve been waiting for him, checking in at the port town as he instructed for any sign of him or a message that he left. “Well, Cecily ain’t here and we’re busy talking” Jack said, his tone clear that he wanted me gone as quickly as possible. But I’m worried about what she might do. “She’s panicked Jack, she was saying strange things before she ran off” I replied to him. With an eyebrow raised, Jack asked what she had said.
I recounted her panicked words to him, how she said she was going to fight the people that were on the beach – the people that had come to take the Kettlemans away.

With a stern face, Jack firmly told me that I need to leave and find Cecily before she does anything crazy. “Astrið” Jack continued, “if you find her, let her know we’re here, and that we’re safe”. I nodded, told him that I would.
I asked Jack if Vasquez has explained anything about that happened. Not taking that as an idle question, Jack straight away boomed out, asking what I meant by that. Oh god, what can I say here? He’s seen right through me, he knows I know more than I’m letting on. Trying to find a form of words to not get me in trouble, I simply told him that Vasquez had told me different things today than he did previously.
I asked Jack if Vasquez has explained anything about that happened. Not taking that as an idle question, Jack straight away boomed out, asking what I meant by that. Oh god, what can I say here? He’s seen right through me, he knows I know more than I’m letting on. Trying to find a form of words to not get me in trouble, I simply told him that Vasquez had told me different things today than he did previously.

Oh god that was a mistake, a big mistake! As the other Kettlemans descended and surrounded me, Jack’s face dropped. He tells me I’m safe with the Kettlemans, they wont harm me no matter what I tell them. He says that Vasquez’s policy is honesty that the Captain wouldn’t hold it against me if he’d said something to me that was then told to someone else.
He words were softer than normal, obviously trying to reassure me. But his face failed to hide his powerful emotions. Tense and terrified I realised I have no choice now. With the others in his group intently watching on, I explained that Vasquez had asked me to go back to Saints Crossing for him and contact the law to get them here.
The weight of those words hit home straight away. All of their expressions dropped. Mills clenched his jaw, and I could spot Alice’s frown from underneath her hat. Jack told me to leave the arena for a minute. As I walked away to the cliffside, I could hear their hushed murmurings as they discussed what I had told them.
He words were softer than normal, obviously trying to reassure me. But his face failed to hide his powerful emotions. Tense and terrified I realised I have no choice now. With the others in his group intently watching on, I explained that Vasquez had asked me to go back to Saints Crossing for him and contact the law to get them here.
The weight of those words hit home straight away. All of their expressions dropped. Mills clenched his jaw, and I could spot Alice’s frown from underneath her hat. Jack told me to leave the arena for a minute. As I walked away to the cliffside, I could hear their hushed murmurings as they discussed what I had told them.

Jack appears at the entrance to the arena. He calls me over and takes me right inside with the other Kettlemans. I am right in front of everyone now; Jack, Mills, Pip, and Alice. Jack asks me to confirm that I didn’t go back to the Crossing to send the message, I said that it wasn’t me but I know that Vasquez’s message did reach The Crossing by another messenger.
He asked me to recite what the message Vasquez asked me to pass on was – exactly. I recalled the message as best I could: that Vasquez wanted to get a message to Deputy Marshal Munroe or another Marshal that Vasquez wants to meet with him, “because the Kettlemans are on Guarma, and it’s in both of their interests to take care of that man”
A stunned silence followed my words. Pip told me that I need to keep this conversation with them to myself. With a quick thanks, Jack then sent me away – stressing the importance that I don’t get caught with them. Just like that, I turned around and took my terrified steps away from the arena.
He asked me to recite what the message Vasquez asked me to pass on was – exactly. I recalled the message as best I could: that Vasquez wanted to get a message to Deputy Marshal Munroe or another Marshal that Vasquez wants to meet with him, “because the Kettlemans are on Guarma, and it’s in both of their interests to take care of that man”
A stunned silence followed my words. Pip told me that I need to keep this conversation with them to myself. With a quick thanks, Jack then sent me away – stressing the importance that I don’t get caught with them. Just like that, I turned around and took my terrified steps away from the arena.

Oh god, oh GOD – how could I let myself get into this situation? How could I be so stupid. Why did I have to say that. Why did I have to say ANYTHING??? How could you be so STUPID Astrið? What if Vasquez finds out? He’s going to kill me for sure! Oh god, but I’ve just handed the Kettleman all the ammunition they need to go to war with Vasquez and the island. Surely he will?
So many people could be killed. I have to tell Vasquez! I have to let him be prepared for this shitstorm, this war I’ve brought to his doorstep. Oh god, but he’ll be furious….. If he doesn’t kill me, the Kettlemans surely will. What do I do? I couldn’t help but cry. I’ve fucked up – worse than I think I ever have in my life before now.
So many people could be killed. I have to tell Vasquez! I have to let him be prepared for this shitstorm, this war I’ve brought to his doorstep. Oh god, but he’ll be furious….. If he doesn’t kill me, the Kettlemans surely will. What do I do? I couldn’t help but cry. I’ve fucked up – worse than I think I ever have in my life before now.

Terrified, upset, and bleary eyed, I staggered around Guarma. Looking for….. something….. Cecily, Jack, Vasques – or maybe something that will give me some insight on what I should do here….. In the end it was Cecily I found, with Kai no less – seems he’s back from The Crossing.
Cecily knows both Jack and Vasquez much better than I, maybe she can give me some insight of what to do? Oh, but what if she goes straight to Jack? She does seem to love him….. Oh god can I even tell her? I don’t even remember what happened next….. I think…. I just got more and more upset, then distressed, then overwhelmed. Crying my eyes out, I turned to her and said that my life might be in danger and I need her help in making a decision.
She stopped me dead and snapped that this was something I had do on my own, that I can put this on her, before turning around and walking off. I stood there stunned, tears still streaming down my cheeks, but she was right – I’ve got myself into this mess, the next steps are my own. Even if it costs me my life……
Cecily knows both Jack and Vasquez much better than I, maybe she can give me some insight of what to do? Oh, but what if she goes straight to Jack? She does seem to love him….. Oh god can I even tell her? I don’t even remember what happened next….. I think…. I just got more and more upset, then distressed, then overwhelmed. Crying my eyes out, I turned to her and said that my life might be in danger and I need her help in making a decision.
She stopped me dead and snapped that this was something I had do on my own, that I can put this on her, before turning around and walking off. I stood there stunned, tears still streaming down my cheeks, but she was right – I’ve got myself into this mess, the next steps are my own. Even if it costs me my life……

With Cecily gone (but knowing she’s safe, and she knows Jack is safe), Kai and I set off. We were looking for Vasquez. He might very well kill me for what I said to Jack and the others, but he should know. He deserves the right to defend himself from whatever Jack will surely bring his way…
Mr Kai and I set off all across central and southern Guarma looking for Captain Vasquez. But to my distress, we couldn’t find him. Kai, still tired from the boat ride over, had to lay down to rest, and on my own I started to calm down. My mind, still racing, started to become a little more ordered.
Mr Kai and I set off all across central and southern Guarma looking for Captain Vasquez. But to my distress, we couldn’t find him. Kai, still tired from the boat ride over, had to lay down to rest, and on my own I started to calm down. My mind, still racing, started to become a little more ordered.

I thought and thought about everything that happened today, and it donned on me that telling Captain Vasquez that Jack and the Kettlemans know he was the one who sent for law actually changes nothing. Jack already has the ammunition he needs to go to war. Maybe he uses it, maybe he doesn’t. If I tell Vasquez, then all that does is give him and the Militia the ammunition that could start a war too.
My actions have already set things into motion, things I cannot undo. Sure I can tell Vasquez, but that only increases the chances of war between them – there’s nothing I can do now that’s going to diffuse the tensions between them. So then is it the right thing to tell Vasquez? Well, after all, Vasquez was trying to use underhanded tactics, calling in the law to air his dirty laundry for him. Jack Kettleman is certainly no saint, but I don’t know Vasquez – what if I hand ammunition back to another monster?
Ok, so if it’s not about stopping a war – because I can’t, and if it’s not about the person, then what’s left? Me… I’m left… Well, in that case, Jack already knows what I told him – if Vasquez ever finds out then I might be tracked down and hurt him. Whereas if I tell Vasquez now, then he’s either going to shoot me there and then, or eventually Jack will find out and Jack will get me – either way, I catch a bullet. So if I tell Vasquez, I’m guaranteed to get hurt, but if I DON’T, then there’s a chance that things could be alright.
Ok…. That’s the decision… It wasn’t out intention, but nevertheless we’ve set things into motion. We can only do more harm by trying to undo those things, so it’s time to stand by those decisions – for better or worse!
My actions have already set things into motion, things I cannot undo. Sure I can tell Vasquez, but that only increases the chances of war between them – there’s nothing I can do now that’s going to diffuse the tensions between them. So then is it the right thing to tell Vasquez? Well, after all, Vasquez was trying to use underhanded tactics, calling in the law to air his dirty laundry for him. Jack Kettleman is certainly no saint, but I don’t know Vasquez – what if I hand ammunition back to another monster?
Ok, so if it’s not about stopping a war – because I can’t, and if it’s not about the person, then what’s left? Me… I’m left… Well, in that case, Jack already knows what I told him – if Vasquez ever finds out then I might be tracked down and hurt him. Whereas if I tell Vasquez now, then he’s either going to shoot me there and then, or eventually Jack will find out and Jack will get me – either way, I catch a bullet. So if I tell Vasquez, I’m guaranteed to get hurt, but if I DON’T, then there’s a chance that things could be alright.
Ok…. That’s the decision… It wasn’t out intention, but nevertheless we’ve set things into motion. We can only do more harm by trying to undo those things, so it’s time to stand by those decisions – for better or worse!