The Diary of Astrið Aleksdóttir
Character Name: Astrið Aleksdóttir
Date of Birth (age): 14th April 1882 (18)
Birthplace: Eiði, Føroyar (Faroe Islands)
Portrayed by: Hibblejaybob
Server: WesternRP
Game: RedM / Red Dead Redemption 2
Server Theme: Wild West
Bio: Astrið Aleksdóttir, is young girl from a small village in the Faroe Islands. At the age of 18, Astrið's mother passed away and with her father being killed in combat, she was left with no family and no roots in either of the countries she grew up in. Her father said if she needed help, to seek out his friends from the army wherever they may be. With nothing but the clothes on her back, she boarded a boat across the Atlantic and set out to the new world to find friends and a purpose in life.

This diary is provided as a form of entertainment, its contents must not be used as a basis for in-game information that your character should not know. If you are caught doing this, you will be reported for FailRP (a bannable offence)
Astrið Aleksdóttir is an 18 year old Faroese girl. Her farther, Major Alexander Stevenson was a Scottish Cavalry Officer and served with Captain James McKay, Lt. James MacLeod, Lt. Elijah Dowding, Padre Johnathon Bell, Sergeant Ramsey Rivers and Sergeant Medic Amelia Knightbridge.
4 years ago in a battle in Africa, Major Stevenson and Lt. MacLeod were heavily injured and Sgt Medic Knightbridge chose to save MacLeod, who lost his eye and had massive scarring, while leaving Maj Stevenson to die.
Astrið, who grew up between Scotland (when Dad was home from fighting) and Eiði on the Faroe Islands, then moved permanently to the Faroe Islands, where she assisted her mother, Heiðvør Svensdóttir who was the nurse for the remote village. In 1899, following a short illness, Heiðvør died.
In Faroe Islands, Eiði is a tiny village on the north, numbering only 100 to 200 people. Not many people her age lived there so she lacked social interaction with her peers and is a bit emotionally immature as a result. Due to the lack of things to do in such a small village, she mainly helped her Mum with organising her medical clinic and simple medical tasks when needed. Otherwise, she mostly played card games with the adults for fun and went out on the boats fishing from time to time. Due to the lack of roads, she is a keen boater, as that is the main way of travelling.
Due to the necessity to travel by boat in Faroe Islands and not being allowed out much in Scotland, she never travelled by horse and is in fact scared of them as she never encountered many of them growing up. She also never encountered firearms or gunfire growing up and was terrified of them too.
Given she had travelled so much growing up, Astrið had little roots in either the Faroe Islands or Scotland. She remembered her father's words that if she ever needed help or anything at all, to seek out the good men he served with in his Army days. She contacted MacLeod's family and heard they had moved to America, to Saint Denis, so she used her remaining money to buy passage on a boat to America.
On the boat ride over the Atlantic, she accidently took a wrong turn and walked into the 1st class areas. She found a lady who, instead of berating her, befriended her for the journey. Lady Elizabeth Chester: an adventurer at heart, she was excited for Astrið starting a new adventure and suggested that she keep a diary. She even gave Astrið a blank notebook from her own possessions to get started with a diary of her own!
Eventually, she made it to America and continued West by train, before completing the journey to Saint Denis by ferry. Arriving, she used the telegram number she had been given by James MacLeod’s relatives to made contact with him, not realising he had now moved to Blackwater...
Well, I guess there's no place better to start than with myself. My name is Astrið Aleksdottur, I've not long since turned 18 years old as I write this. I never really thought about keeping a diary, but a kind lady I met on the boat across the Atlantic suggested it might be a good idea. She even gave me a notebook and some pens, which was very kind of her. A fortunate wrong turn, she was about the only person in 1st class that didn't shout at me for being in the wrong place!
I'm writing this on the train west, over to the new frontiers. It's a been a long journey, but I'm looking for some friends of my father's. My father, Major Alexander Stevenson, served with the British Army. God knows where though, growing up in the Faroe Islands, I never got to see him other than when he was on leave. I know he died fighting alongside Lt. MacLeod, who himself took a major injury. He, along with Capt McKay and Sgt Rivers, were some of my dad's best friends - I met them a few times when they were on leave together.
He always said if anything ever happened to him and Mum, to look them out: they would look after me. That's why I'm making this journey. My mother, Heivør Svensdottur, passed away suddenly after a brief illness. Eiði is a small village, splitting my time between there and Scotland, I'm not really tied down to either place. With my parents passing, there's nothing really left for me in either place...
Well I can see the start of the great lakes, which means we'll be pulling into the port to continue the journey to Saint Denis by boat.

I've telegraphed Mr. MacLeod. I've not heard back from him, but I do hope he received it. It would be terrible to have come out this way and for him to have not been reachable. As fascinating as this city is to watch, I do hope he comes soon.

I must say the land up here is stunning. The the towering cliffs, the cold wind whipping at your face - it reminded me so much of home...

Poor James, he still harbours so much blame for what happened the day father died. I wonder if my presence here has opened wounds they all would rather have forgotten. They did move halfway across the world, after all.....
Maybe one day I'll get to ask James about what happened. But today is not the day...

It's funny how Mr McKay and the other old regiment men knew a very different Alexander Stevenson than I did. It warmed my heart to hear James talk so highly of my Dad.
Perhaps eventually I'll get to hear about the side of my Dad that I never got to meet. But for just now, I'm tired and it's been a long day, so time to head to the Saloon (which James very kindly paid for a room for me) and close off my first day in my new home!

I got to chat with Dr Ahlbright about perhaps training formally as a nurse. She explained the process to me and who to contact. I would need to shadow a doctor for a while to learn how medicine works in these parts, then I can start getting hands on.

Dr Ahlbright got to work in treating him. Watching her work is equal parts awe inspiring and equal parts terrifying. She so knowledge and quick in her actions, completing the next step of treatment, before I've even begun to comprehend she's doing.
I've never even heard a gun fired before this week, let alone seen someone be shot by one. The tenacity and knowledge with which Dr Ahlbright worked suddenly made me very nervous that medicine here is so very different from back home. Time will tell how I will cope...

Dr Knightbridge pulled my aside briefly, and to help me on my way, she gave me some medical textbooks and they a money clip with $100!!!
I protested at her generosity, but she was most insistent. She explained that someone did this for her when she got off the boat and she was passing on the favour. I humbly accepted the gift - she suggested I use it to get a new outfit.

Back home in Føroyar, the houses are very practical - nothing like the 'flare' you see on the houses here!

As I left my room, Mr Rivers and Dr Knightbridge were outside the saloon along with a new gentleman I hadn't met before: Dr Rob Wulf. Drs Knightbridge and Wulf were... very close to each other throughout the conversation. I'm not sure if they're in a relationship - and I certainly don't want to impose by asking!

Doctors and their escorts are allowed in as it's the only place in the 5-territories to source Aloe - but even then I am uneasy!

These plants are immense; some towering nearly 9 feet high! Never in my life could I have pictured such tall, sharp plants filled with material so useful to medicine would exist.

Even from afar, what buildings and facilities these places have are dilapidated. Maybe in the future we can help get these places back on their feet!

She'd been attacked by animals. From practice medicine to real, Dr Wulf swung into action and got to tending her injuries. I hope she'll be ok!

Mr Aleksei was in a horned mask outfit. As nice as he's been to me, I must admit to being a bit intimidated by his mask, but I try to put it out of my head - I know he does a lot of rituals and prayers I'm not familiar with, maybe its part of that?

They never said anything to us, and one of the men dismounted from the back of a horse and hid in a bush near to where were standing - but I saw him.
He quickly left the bush and walked down past the ranch, standing around for a little bit before mounting the horse and the men left.
Whatever is going on, whoever is looking for Millie, they found her. MacLeod ran into the ranch to tell them and they all fled for Blackwater. They told me to stay behind and hide.
I wish I had stayed.....

I said I was scared of being lone down here with everything happening, and he took me up towards Blackwater. Almost as soon as we arrived, I jumped off his horse and ran to say hello to Mr MacLeod and Mr Deuce, but almost as soon as I did, the shooting started.....
Millie and I ran north, to the Blackwater church. We made the fateful decision that I was going to seek help. We split up and I ran to the telegram office. I was just about to put out a call for help when two men burst in and pointed their guns at me.....

The gang, whoever they may be, numbered at least seven, and the whole of Blackwater was caught up in whatever they were doing!
Wherever Amielia had gone, they'd obviously found her too. They slammed me down right next to her in the street.

Sensing a break in their concentration, someone broke free of their binds and ran down the street. Wasn't long before the gang caught up with him outside the bank and tied him up again.
Unfortunately now they were pissed off, and one of them kicked me in the side twice! I didn't even say anything!

The man in the black coat... I... I don't know who he was, but he just kept taunting them...
Eventually they had enough... They just walked up to him and... shot him, right in the back of the head...
Now the rain is on, his blood is running down the street, getting closer to my face. Unable to keep my head off the ground the blood soaked rainwater mixes in my hair. Oh god, what are they going to do to the rest of us!!!

He was wearing this horrific pinkish red mask, he looked like the devil...
He picked me up and walked me towards the saloon, asking me if I was a doctor. I said I was, didn't say I was just a shadow.....

He said they would work to try and get the perpetrators, but admitted it would be tough. "The Seven" he called them - A name I had heard before.
I had heard "The Seven" operate North of Valentine, and that I should avoid that town as a result. The gang can be identified by their belt buckle with the number 7 on it.

They started bartering with Chief Benoit about getting out of Blackwater immediately in exchange for no charges being filed against them.

Only the vigilance of the local population could protect them from falling victim to people like that...

I explained that, because I am still formally unemployed, I had no money to buy his good. "You have some toasted bread, Mama would be so-a sad to see you wasting away" - he actually gave me some warm, toasted bread with a wee dollop of butter!
What a kind man!

I've heard so much about her, one of the Head Doctors of the Five Territories Medical Department. We're here to see if she'll hire me on officially as a shadow doctor!

A rather curious gentleman came up to me and asked if he could wait with me. I said he could... He stood there in silence for a few minutes before walking off towards the docks without saying a word... Most strange!

As suddenly as it all began, the gunshots stopped, and the cries of those who were hurt could be heard.

Dr Ahlbright and another lady tended to the other two, and although I'm just in training, it fell to me too look after Mr Aleksei and Mr Harrison on the floor.
Mr Alexei was hurt worse than Mr Harrison: he was shot through the chest. There wasn't much I could do for either other than to check up on them, keep them comfortable and keep pressure on their wounds...

"Only"... I use that word only in comparison to Mr Aleksei and the others - I can't imagine how horrible the pain must be of getting shot at all is!

I took out my notebook and made pretend like I was writing up notes, like a good doctor. The truth is, I was just trying to give myself an anchor with which to hold myself together...

As more and more people surrounded me, I stood there pretending I was writing. That's twice now in just three days I've had to watch and indeed tend to my friends after they've been badly hurt. Is this all this country has to offer? Pain and sadness?

This whiskey stuff is strong... I'm more drunk than I've ever been in my life... I feel like I needed this release though... Seeing 4 of my new friends horribly hurt in just 3 days has been... hard...

There's not enough doctors in this part of the country... Maybe... Maybe instead of following my mother's footsteps into nursing, maybe I do the full training and become a doctor?
A scary thought... But the feeling of standing there while my friends are hurt was worse... I'll ponder this more over the coming days.

"Frank, I'd like you to make out the qualification to Astrið Aleksdóttir as doctor of medicine.
"Astrið, this does come with the provision you can practice clinically, but still to seek assistance for surgeries as you work towards your surgical qualification."