Hello and welcome to the Hibblejaybob monthly news for May! In this month, I talk about the channel successes and scaling back on content. Check out the news video to the right, and the month's content down below!
Winding Down
During the month, I announced that I was stepping down my YouTube content from now on. The reason is that I have decided to do this is I have a lot less time on my hands to do filming as I am now working around 50 hours a week acrross 3 jobs. Combined with very poor performance in the first half of this year, it just isn't worth the workload to keep doing 15 videos a week.
Don't worry, I'll still be around making content, just not as much. You can see the new schedule of content on the Schedule page.
Video of the Month
For the first time, it's a 3-way tie for the Video of the Month for Likes, with 12 a piece! With the highest views of the 3, Episode 58 of the London Mod takes it! The video of the month for views as the 4th in line, Episode 60 of the Kent mod!
Video Releases

Service Delivery Report
On Time
A new segment of my monthly news, I wanted a new was to assess how I was doing in providing my content on time. Being a high content provider, it can be hard to keep track how well I am keeping to my schedule.
YouTube results suggest that sticking to a schedule is very important to maintaining your audience, so it's a good idea to keep tack of it!