The next chapter in Astrið's story is here! Read about her adventures and misadventures from 25th February 1903 below, when the Miles & Barton gangs came in force for Clara and the Smithfield saloon! You can check out her full diary here: Astrið's Diary

I awoke in the welcome centre, blood staining my pillow from the events of yesterday. I ventured outside and found Jayne, Peregrine, Teeki, and Riley all huddled outside the telegram office - clearly looking after Teeki after his injuries yesterday.
Slowly, I made my way over to them; their faces dropping, seeing the scarring to my face, my neck, and the big cut where I almost lost my eye yesterday. They asked if I was OK, but it was clear I wasn’t. Jayne, frustrated, tells me that Clara and Tadgh have gone off themselves looking for Taran - That he's still not been found yet…
Slowly, I made my way over to them; their faces dropping, seeing the scarring to my face, my neck, and the big cut where I almost lost my eye yesterday. They asked if I was OK, but it was clear I wasn’t. Jayne, frustrated, tells me that Clara and Tadgh have gone off themselves looking for Taran - That he's still not been found yet…

I ventured inside the telegram office to check my telegrams. Barely as soon as I opened my mailbox did the door open and two familiar faces walked through - it was Clara and Tadgh! As with Jayne and the others, their faces dropped seeing my wounds. I asked if there was any news on Taran, they said there was no leads, that we have no idea where he is right now.
I checked my telegrams: Aria, Violet, Alexio, Cade and the others had all got back to me from my telegrams yesterday. It really seems that the fight is on... Alexio wants to meet me again. Aria and Violet are going to reach out to see who else they can get on my side.
I checked my telegrams: Aria, Violet, Alexio, Cade and the others had all got back to me from my telegrams yesterday. It really seems that the fight is on... Alexio wants to meet me again. Aria and Violet are going to reach out to see who else they can get on my side.

Clara and Tadgh wanted to continue the search for Taran, just the two of them. Jayne and the others protested; that with Teeki and I injured, we should stay together in one big group. Nevertheless, they were insistent on their intention of going off for their own search. But before they left, I wanted to make sure they had one vital piece of information that I hadn't told anyone yet. Loudly, I yelled on them to gather around me outside. I told them what Miles had told us yesterday: right before he gunned down Teeki, before he gunned down me, killed Taran’s horse then kidnapped him. Miles told me that there was a woman with braided hair that was reporting back to him on our every movement. That's how he knew that we were with Clara in Strawberry, that’s how he knew to find us there.
I said that I didn't know who the woman in braided hair was, but I did see someone with braided hair in Strawberry just before Clara went to bed yesterday. She was a redhead like me. With her braid worn over her shoulder like how I normally wear mines. She had a top that was cut high that you could see her belly, but beyond that I don't have any idea as to who she is or even if it is in fact her. But nevertheless, we need to be on our guard. We can't talk or be seen by anyone that we don't recognise.
I said that I didn't know who the woman in braided hair was, but I did see someone with braided hair in Strawberry just before Clara went to bed yesterday. She was a redhead like me. With her braid worn over her shoulder like how I normally wear mines. She had a top that was cut high that you could see her belly, but beyond that I don't have any idea as to who she is or even if it is in fact her. But nevertheless, we need to be on our guard. We can't talk or be seen by anyone that we don't recognise.

With that the group, the group vowed to stay together as one big group. But to my dismay, they mounted their horses and left for Valentine left to check the camp that Alexio had told us might be used by them - leaving an injured Teeki and Riley stuck in Strawberry. I didn't want to leave Teeki stranded, but I also knew that journeying would be perilous without my guns.
I used the money that Miles didn't steal yesterday to buy myself a new gun here in Strawberry: a double action revolver. But I know that I needed something more. Checking that Teeki and Riley were going to be OK, I called my horse and rode after the group - hoping to catch them up on their way to the camp.
I used the money that Miles didn't steal yesterday to buy myself a new gun here in Strawberry: a double action revolver. But I know that I needed something more. Checking that Teeki and Riley were going to be OK, I called my horse and rode after the group - hoping to catch them up on their way to the camp.

Pushing Grátt as hard as I could, I made my way towards the camp outside of Valentine, hoping to catch up with the group on the way. To my dismay, I did not. But as I approached the camp I could see a horse. Thinking it might be them, I approached the camp. To my horror Nahkahyen - one of the group who gunned us down yesterday - approached me. “Well, I would say it's nice to see you, Astrid” he began to say.

Before he could continue, the rest of the camp began to surround us. “How did you find us here?” Miles barked. I came up with some excuse, that I was riding towards Valentine taking as fast a shortcut as I thought I could.
I noticed a familiar figure slowly made their way towards me, trailing behind the group. It was unmistakable - it was Taran! I asked him if he'd been hurt, he replied that he had not. But before the conversation could continue – somewhat of a commotion erupted. The binoculars came out, and the group started peering towards the forest between us and Valentine.
Glancing that way myself, I recognised Jayne, Clara and Tadgh on their horses. Nahkahyen recognised Tadgh can called out to Miles. Already having one unplanned guest, Miles was not keen to entertain any more. He told me to leave the camp, to tell Tadgh to get out of there and that if the law or anyone else comes back to the camp, they’ll kill Taran on the spot. Standing alone, I was keen not to overstay my welcome. I got on my horse and left as instructed.
I noticed a familiar figure slowly made their way towards me, trailing behind the group. It was unmistakable - it was Taran! I asked him if he'd been hurt, he replied that he had not. But before the conversation could continue – somewhat of a commotion erupted. The binoculars came out, and the group started peering towards the forest between us and Valentine.
Glancing that way myself, I recognised Jayne, Clara and Tadgh on their horses. Nahkahyen recognised Tadgh can called out to Miles. Already having one unplanned guest, Miles was not keen to entertain any more. He told me to leave the camp, to tell Tadgh to get out of there and that if the law or anyone else comes back to the camp, they’ll kill Taran on the spot. Standing alone, I was keen not to overstay my welcome. I got on my horse and left as instructed.

Arriving in Valentine Jayne, the anxiety in her voice clear, dismounted her horse and ran into telegrams. She had to tell Peregrine and the others.
I rushed inside myself: the Miles Gang is at full force - we will need every hand we can get to come out of this alive! I telegrammed Violet, Alexio and Aria to see if they have anyone on hand right now that could help.
I rushed inside myself: the Miles Gang is at full force - we will need every hand we can get to come out of this alive! I telegrammed Violet, Alexio and Aria to see if they have anyone on hand right now that could help.

Leaving the group at the telegrams, I ran to my room in Valentine and grabbed one of my spare rifles. I need all the firepower I can get and thankfully I have enough on hand to keep me going. This is Leon's rifle; the rifle he gave to me after my first one got stolen. Leon is a deputy, he wears a shield as his badge. It seems fitting then, that I name my rifle “Skjøldur” in homage to that. I just hope he doesn't begrudge me for using it for how I might have to…..

Back at telegrams, Peregrine pulled Jayne and I aside. She pointed out that although Miles told us that Taran would be killed if the law turned up at the camp, law are the only ones with the numbers and the trained negotiators to take on the Miles’ gang at this point. Jayne and I looked at each other, unsure. After all, the law have tried to work with us before on this, and each and every time it has ended in disaster.

Outside, Jayne and I spoke about what we were going to do. We both agreed that we didn't want law involved, but at the same time, I didn't want to be standing around Valentine waiting for them to come to us. I asked if there was any merit in myself going back to the camp to see if we can engage in some form of negotiation. Jayne remained unsure.

Knowing Mr Miles' tendency to kill horses, I kept Grátt well away from town - choosing instead to run to saloon. Thank God I'm no longer stuck using that damned cane! In the saloon I spoke with Jayne.
I don't like it here. There's one entrance at the front, and four entrances at the back - and we can only see someone approaching one of those entrances. They could surround us and get the advantage on us before we even knew what was happening!
I don't like it here. There's one entrance at the front, and four entrances at the back - and we can only see someone approaching one of those entrances. They could surround us and get the advantage on us before we even knew what was happening!

Conscious that the Miles gang may use this commotion to reposition themselves into an advantageous position, I decided to go on my own patrol around the saloon, looking out for any buildings or nearby trees that showed signs of recent disturbance that they might be hiding something…. Or more importantly, someone……

Returning once again to the saloon, Deputy Sadie Parker, having been briefed by Clara (to Jayne and I's annoyance), calls us into a group. She tells us that the deputies will keep themselves to the Sheriff's Office while we keep ourselves here. That they will try and help us however they can, however, we are to defend ourselves to the fullest if they come in and try to take any of us.

As another deputy ran full speed into the saloon, a familiar voice boomed out from the street. “I believe you're expecting me” Mr Miles announces to the town. Thanks to Deputy Parker's speech, we've been caught completely off guard. The deputies order us all out of the saloon – except for Clara, who is to stay. I ran out back the saloon, meeting up with Jayne and Tadgh, followed closely by Deputy Parker to ensure that we were leaving town.
A fury flowed through my heart at being told to leave Clara in her hour of need. The very thing I had sworn to do, to be by her side no matter what, was now no longer possible - by order of some deputies. Mounting my horse, I turned to Deputy Parker and I told her that Clara lives. That Taran lives. That Miles dies. Those were my terms.
She told me they would try their best. I replied that it's her job to make that happen. With that, we rode out of town.
A fury flowed through my heart at being told to leave Clara in her hour of need. The very thing I had sworn to do, to be by her side no matter what, was now no longer possible - by order of some deputies. Mounting my horse, I turned to Deputy Parker and I told her that Clara lives. That Taran lives. That Miles dies. Those were my terms.
She told me they would try their best. I replied that it's her job to make that happen. With that, we rode out of town.

Frustrated at not being able to see into the main street, the Pavee repositioned to the cliffs overlooking the north side of Valentine. There they remained. I ran the message to them to confirm that Donnie Barton was seen with the group in Valentine - It seems Mr Barton is the main target of the Pavee once they get Taran to safety. Message relayed, I returned to Citadel Rock with Jayne.

I spotted two riders heading out of Valentine to the South. I examined them through my binoculars, but couldn't quite make out who they were. No one in the group recognised them as being part of the Miles or Barton gang - and more importantly they were not carrying any injured or hostages on the backs of their horses.

Johann reported that he could cure gunfire in the town, and just a few minutes later another rider was seen leaving Valentine - this time to the east, and this time with someone on the back of their horse. We examined the person on the horse from afar and we realised it was Clara. We made the call: it was time to ride out!

We reached an impasse with the confrontation. She was refusing to identify herself, and she was still refusing to let us take Clara - even knowing that we were her friends , even knowing that I was a doctor. Clara was screaming a pained scream to go and help Taran. The woman jumped on this, telling us to listen to her and go and help our friends somewhere else. We were getting nowhere…..

Clara was now safely on the back of Johann’s horse. Some riders rode past us out of Valentine at speed, but I couldn’t pay them any attention. Now close to the woman, it dawned on me who she was: it was Evelyn Jackson-Brown - part of the Barton gang. I asked her directly; “Is that you, Evelyn?”. She gave me no reply.
Johann decided enough was enough, he rode off - taking the injured Clara towards Valentine with Jayne and I following close behind. With no room on either horse, Emerson was left behind at the foot of the cliff.
Johann decided enough was enough, he rode off - taking the injured Clara towards Valentine with Jayne and I following close behind. With no room on either horse, Emerson was left behind at the foot of the cliff.

Taking Clara into Valentine was not a good idea, but before Jayne or I had the chance to discuss this with Johann, he was practically within the limits of the town. Following close behind us, Evelyn peeled off from us down the main street - yelling as loud as she could: “Donnie! Miles! Anyone still standing!”
I realised very quickly to my horror that the situation in Valentine was not as safe as Johann seemingly believed - That we had rode into a place controlled by our enemies. In turn, I yelled at Johann that we need to leave – NOW!!! That Evelyn is calling the remaining gang members to confront us…..
I realised very quickly to my horror that the situation in Valentine was not as safe as Johann seemingly believed - That we had rode into a place controlled by our enemies. In turn, I yelled at Johann that we need to leave – NOW!!! That Evelyn is calling the remaining gang members to confront us…..

We bolted out of Valentine, first heading through the forests to the north - the gunshots of the Miles and Barton gangs ringing out behind us. I yelled to Johann, riding ahead of us, to keep going no matter what happens to us. Jayne asked, “Are you ready?” - I nodded in reply. “It was wonderful knowing you, Astrid - if this is the end” Jayne said, “I'm happy I have a gunslinger with me”. “Love you Jayne”, I told her.

Johann's horse ran out of steam. We made a trade: Clara was on the back of Grátt, who still had some stamina to give, Johann and Jayne mounted Johann’s horse. We agreed we would stop to treat Clara at the stables on the eastern flank of New Hanover.
As we began to pick up speed, certain the Barton’s & Miles’ gang were still following us, I suddenly spotted a group of five riders off to my left.
As we began to pick up speed, certain the Barton’s & Miles’ gang were still following us, I suddenly spotted a group of five riders off to my left.

Approaching the stables, Jayne and Johann broke off from Clara and I - Hoping to drag as many of the group with them as possible. But two of them continued to pursue me. At first I tried to continue running, but Grátt had little more to give.
I stopped and raised my rifle at a masked woman, yelling at the top of my voice; “Who are you?”. Their only reply was “Stop your horse! Put your gun down!” I turned away from them and pushed Grátt with what little strength he had left further into the countryside.
I stopped and raised my rifle at a masked woman, yelling at the top of my voice; “Who are you?”. Their only reply was “Stop your horse! Put your gun down!” I turned away from them and pushed Grátt with what little strength he had left further into the countryside.

At a farmstead just outside of Rhodes, I could hear the man shouting on me: “Stop! We just want to talk”. Knowing that Grátt was completely exhausted, I felt I had little choice but to stop - to try and take my chances amongst the buildings and outbuildings of the farmstead.
Immediately I recognised them: The man was Nahkahyen - part of the Miles gang. The woman, I don’t know her name, but I'd seen her at the camp with Mr Miles and Nahkahyen earlier. I ordered the both of them to stay in front of me, my gun raised - but the woman was not keen to listen! She kept trying to surround me despite my protests.
I kept repositioning myself to stop them from surrounding me. She yelled at me to stop moving, that things would get so much worse for me if I didn't. But I held my ground, yelling back that if she kept trying to surround me, I would raise my gun to them.
Immediately I recognised them: The man was Nahkahyen - part of the Miles gang. The woman, I don’t know her name, but I'd seen her at the camp with Mr Miles and Nahkahyen earlier. I ordered the both of them to stay in front of me, my gun raised - but the woman was not keen to listen! She kept trying to surround me despite my protests.
I kept repositioning myself to stop them from surrounding me. She yelled at me to stop moving, that things would get so much worse for me if I didn't. But I held my ground, yelling back that if she kept trying to surround me, I would raise my gun to them.

“Who's that you've got on the horse?” Nahkahyen asked. “It's Clara”, I replied. They asked me what happened. I told them that I did not know, but a barely conscious Clara told them she was gunned down by Mr Miles himself. The pair looked at each other, asking aloud what to do with the both of us.
Nahkahyen replied; “If Miles gunned Clara down, then he got what he wanted. Go, go now!” he said, before riding off towards the valley, . In my anger, I screamed after him; “You owe me my guns back. Don't you fucking forget that!”. I turned and rode the opposite direction with Clara.
Nahkahyen replied; “If Miles gunned Clara down, then he got what he wanted. Go, go now!” he said, before riding off towards the valley, . In my anger, I screamed after him; “You owe me my guns back. Don't you fucking forget that!”. I turned and rode the opposite direction with Clara.

The stables at the east side of the plains were a no go. After all, we've just been chased from there - I needed to find a new place to take Clara. I remembered a secluded little spot where I used to do medical training with Bonnie, just behind Braithwaite Manor. I made for there as fast as an exhausted Grátt could carry us.

Clara had a gunshot wound to the abdomen, bleeding but not catastrophically so. Cleaning the wound, I got to work suturing the muscle back together and stopping the bleeding. The bullet hadn't penetrated as far into her abdomen as I had worried - it had come to rest just the other side of her abdominal muscles and was easy for me to extract with forceps. Before I could finalise closing her gunshot wound, I heard a horse ride up to us outside.

Taking my rifle out, I advanced to the window. I yelled to the woman outside. Who is she? My heart sank as I recognised her as the woman who I had seen in Strawberry just before Clara went to bed, before Miles rolled up to us telling us that a braided haired woman had been feeding him information. Unsure of her intentions. I ordered her hands up.
Caught off guard, she got off her horse, her hands in the air. She asked if everything was OK up there, if anyone was hurt. I said that things weren't OK and that my life was in danger if her horse could be seen from the road. She identified herself as Sarafina Braithwaite. As much as she presented a risk, Clara remained my priority. I put my gun away and I returned to Clara's aid.
Caught off guard, she got off her horse, her hands in the air. She asked if everything was OK up there, if anyone was hurt. I said that things weren't OK and that my life was in danger if her horse could be seen from the road. She identified herself as Sarafina Braithwaite. As much as she presented a risk, Clara remained my priority. I put my gun away and I returned to Clara's aid.

Finishing the suture repair of Clara's gunshot wound, I gave her some morphine for the pain and helped her to her feet. Normally, I would be the biggest advocate of rest after an injury like this - but I don't have the luxury of time or numbers to allow that.
Clara, in blind panic, told me that she wanted to give herself to Miles – to let herself be killed so that all this could be over for all of us. I grabbed her by the arms and I told her that she was free to throw herself to Miles if she so wanted, but we are way, way beyond this being over. And whatever she does, does not change the fact that I will be hunting that man down until he is buried 6 feet beneath my feet. I asked her if she understood that her sacrifice does not mean that this will be over. She nodded. With that, I brought her to Rhodes.
Clara, in blind panic, told me that she wanted to give herself to Miles – to let herself be killed so that all this could be over for all of us. I grabbed her by the arms and I told her that she was free to throw herself to Miles if she so wanted, but we are way, way beyond this being over. And whatever she does, does not change the fact that I will be hunting that man down until he is buried 6 feet beneath my feet. I asked her if she understood that her sacrifice does not mean that this will be over. She nodded. With that, I brought her to Rhodes.

Arriving in Rhodes, we bumped into Emerson at the telegram office. Leaving Clara with Emerson, I went to go and see if anyone had returned to the Pavee camp. On approach to the camp, I was met with a commotion. Elich and Tibbs were holding a man at gunpoint, and with my arrival they marched him to the camp.

At the camp I recognised the man being kept at gunpoint - it was Donnie Barton himself! The Pavee had their mark. Elich kept him at gunpoint as other members of the Pavee arrived at the camp. The Pavee agreed to take him out into the countryside to dispose of him. I knew his fate, so before he before he left, I asked Donnie where the hostages were.
He laughed at me, asking if I was referring to the man covered in blood or the woman covered in blood… I gripped my rifle tight - wanting so badly to hurt him, but knowing I couldn't deprive the Pavee of their moment.
He laughed at me, asking if I was referring to the man covered in blood or the woman covered in blood… I gripped my rifle tight - wanting so badly to hurt him, but knowing I couldn't deprive the Pavee of their moment.

As the Pavee mounted their horses to take Donnie for his “disposal”. They told me that the Miles gang were here in Rhodes with the injured as hostages earlier and they set off towards the east. With that information in hand, I mounted Grátt, I rode off towards Emerald, then it would be onward to Valentine, then to Strawberry – hoping to track them down.

To my dismay, there was no sign of the hostages or the Miles gang in Emerald. I half expected, as a sick, twisted joke, that Miles may have dumped the injured at my medical office and telegrammed me to go and get them. But no such morbid luck was in order…. Rifle out, I continued my journey to Valentine.

In Valentine, the deputies appeared to be clearing up the aftermath of another bloody battle. Once again ordering me out of town, it seemed Valentine was under martial law. This time, I wasn't taking no for an answer.
Cliff is a deputy who I've always gotten along with, and I called him over to me. I explained that I would leave, but first I needed to know if a man called Taran or a woman called Jayne was being treated in Valentine. He replied that to his knowledge, there was not. My heart sank to my toes.
With what appears to be most of the remaining Miles gang lying injured on the floor, but no sign of the hostages, my lead had ran cold.
Cliff is a deputy who I've always gotten along with, and I called him over to me. I explained that I would leave, but first I needed to know if a man called Taran or a woman called Jayne was being treated in Valentine. He replied that to his knowledge, there was not. My heart sank to my toes.
With what appears to be most of the remaining Miles gang lying injured on the floor, but no sign of the hostages, my lead had ran cold.

As instructed, I left Valentine. The only possible lead I could think of would be the Miles camp where I spotted them earlier. After all, Nahkahyen and the other woman were running apart from the group. For all I know, they have Jayne and Tarrant and had taken them back to the camp. But to my dismay, there was no sign of anyone or anything at the camp.

Walking into the tent, I was met with the most bittersweet sight of my entire life. There was Clara and Tadgh, sitting on the floor - but also Taran! We have him!!! But he's been hurt badly. Clara explained that Taran wasn't conscious, but that he was alive and that his wounds had been treated. I explained that Jayne was still missing and that my job was not done until we had all of our people back.

At Valentine, Emerson entered the doctor's office before me - and his exclamation told me exactly what I needed to: we had found Jayne!!! Clutching her side, clearly badly injured, Jayne was on her feet trying to greet her.
Jayne, Emerson and I were all reduced to tears as Teeki Rava stood guard by Jayne’s side. Jayne explained she had a sucking chest wound - a sure sign that her plural cavity had been torn open with her injury. A very serious and life threatening condition! She’s badly hurt, but she’s alive. I can’t believe we’ve all made it through this!!!
Jayne, Emerson and I were all reduced to tears as Teeki Rava stood guard by Jayne’s side. Jayne explained she had a sucking chest wound - a sure sign that her plural cavity had been torn open with her injury. A very serious and life threatening condition! She’s badly hurt, but she’s alive. I can’t believe we’ve all made it through this!!!

As Riley prepared a carriage for Jayne and Teeki to travel to Rhodes in, I approached Deputy Zoe Winters. “Zoe, I need to know for my safety, have they been arrested, or are there still riders loose that we need to be on our guard for?”. Seeing the seriousness of my question, she replied that not everyone had been captured and that we should journey together and to be on our guard.
I asked her if Miles was dead - she replied that she couldn't answer that.
I asked her if Miles was dead - she replied that she couldn't answer that.

Safely in Rhodes, I spoke to Shae Murphy. Emotions bubbling, I told him that I loved him and all the Pavee. I explained that I'd been orphaned at a young age, that I'd lost my job and my home . I've got nothing else left in this world except the people I choose to call my friends.
I said to him that this isn't over and if he needs anything from me, I will be there - he knows I've ridden shoulder to shoulder with the Pavee before, that I've put my life on the line for them.
I said to him that this isn't over and if he needs anything from me, I will be there - he knows I've ridden shoulder to shoulder with the Pavee before, that I've put my life on the line for them.

I returned to the medical tent where everyone was reuniting. Now that we were finally back together, I began to really get upset - the adrenaline of today's events starting to leave my system. Jayne took my hand, but no sooner than she did did she notice blood trickling down my hand.
She asked me what happened - I did not know. Jayne and Peregrine examined me further, revealing that my shirt had been ripped at my upper arm and - - Oh my God - I've been shot. My face grew pale, once again seeing my own blood trickling down my body. Jayne called Emerson to escort me in to see the doctor.
She asked me what happened - I did not know. Jayne and Peregrine examined me further, revealing that my shirt had been ripped at my upper arm and - - Oh my God - I've been shot. My face grew pale, once again seeing my own blood trickling down my body. Jayne called Emerson to escort me in to see the doctor.

The doctor, as it so happens, was my old friend Mr William Fletcher. Thankfully, my wound was relatively minor: A gunshot graze to my left arm - I hadn't even noticed it until Jayne had spotted my bleeding.
As William began to work on my injuries, I couldn't help but burst out crying - the emotions of today's events hitting me hard. I buried my head in my right hand, sobbing as he worked away.
But as he continued his work, a panicked Emerson ran into the building. He told us that there was a jailbreak attempt on the Barton and the Miles gangs and that we need to leave Rhodes, in case we get targeted as hostages.
As William began to work on my injuries, I couldn't help but burst out crying - the emotions of today's events hitting me hard. I buried my head in my right hand, sobbing as he worked away.
But as he continued his work, a panicked Emerson ran into the building. He told us that there was a jailbreak attempt on the Barton and the Miles gangs and that we need to leave Rhodes, in case we get targeted as hostages.

My heart sank to my boots as I realised that he had selected Lagras village for us. I pointed out that the last time I was here, that me and Varek were forced to fight almost to the death in order for us both to survive. Nevertheless, Ricard seemed confident in his selection - we would be staying here.

Jayne and I got to talking. We agreed we couldn't let what happened today stand. We agreed that we would be going after Mr Miles, that we wouldn't be stopping until he was dead. I offered my hand to her as a deal. She looked up at me, her eyes widening.
I told her that my deal would be that when the time comes, we would both put the final bullet into Mr Miles together - so that neither of us would be deprived of the chance to put that motherfucker in the ground. Shaking my hand, she agreed, but then followed it up with a request: “Only if I get to torture him first!.
I told her that my deal would be that when the time comes, we would both put the final bullet into Mr Miles together - so that neither of us would be deprived of the chance to put that motherfucker in the ground. Shaking my hand, she agreed, but then followed it up with a request: “Only if I get to torture him first!.

Agreement made, we're not going to be able to do this with just the two of us - we were going to need more people. As Emerson walked past us getting the horses and the wagon out of the line of sight of the road, Jayne and I discussed who else would fight with us.
Emerson has a good head on his shoulders and we would love to have him fight alongside us - but he might not want to leave the Ranger recruit programme. Teeki Rava will definitely fight alongside us - that makes 3. Johann might be convinced to fight alongside us. Clara and Fiona might also be convinced to fight alongside us - finally, seeing how well the passive approach worked for us.
Peregrine definitely will not join us, her relationship with Deputy Ricard would put too much on the line for them. Beyond that, it will be a case of seeing who else we can reach out to in the coming days.
Emerson has a good head on his shoulders and we would love to have him fight alongside us - but he might not want to leave the Ranger recruit programme. Teeki Rava will definitely fight alongside us - that makes 3. Johann might be convinced to fight alongside us. Clara and Fiona might also be convinced to fight alongside us - finally, seeing how well the passive approach worked for us.
Peregrine definitely will not join us, her relationship with Deputy Ricard would put too much on the line for them. Beyond that, it will be a case of seeing who else we can reach out to in the coming days.

From the pain of how many times I've been shot in the last couple of days, I slowly meandered towards the cabin that I was going to call mine for the night. The funny thing is, as crazy as today's events got, I never fired a single shot at anyone.
I haven't fired a single shot at anyone throughout this entire escapade. As I go to bed tonight, I can't help but feel the inescapable sensation that I didn’t do enough to look after my friends. It's going to be time to change that – and to actually mean it this time.
I haven't fired a single shot at anyone throughout this entire escapade. As I go to bed tonight, I can't help but feel the inescapable sensation that I didn’t do enough to look after my friends. It's going to be time to change that – and to actually mean it this time.