The next chapter in Astrið's story is here! Read about her adventures and misadventures from 2nd July 1901 below, and you can check out her full diary here: Astrið's Diary

Uhhhhh, what happened? I remember waking up, then heading from Blackwater towards Valentine. Did I make there? Why am I bleeding?
I think…. I think someone ran into me….. Yes, then he got angry. I tried to talk to him, then I just remember the flash of his revolver…. The pain….. My arm!
I have no idea how long I was on the ground floor, eventually I head horses. I recognised the voice shouting after me – It was Dr Atwood! She took me back to Valentine and did surgery on my wounds. I barely remember anything from it!
I think…. I think someone ran into me….. Yes, then he got angry. I tried to talk to him, then I just remember the flash of his revolver…. The pain….. My arm!
I have no idea how long I was on the ground floor, eventually I head horses. I recognised the voice shouting after me – It was Dr Atwood! She took me back to Valentine and did surgery on my wounds. I barely remember anything from it!

Surgery done, Dr Atwood left me to recover in Valentine. My left arm was in agony, I’d been shot twice – so I could hardly get very far. I was resting on the bench outside the Valentine Bathhouse when a short, masked figure started meandering its way through the main street – catching the confused glances of the locals. But I wasn’t confused…..

Straight away I recognised the mask – and the person behind the mask! It was Miree! My Miree, oh goodness it’s been so long since I saw her last – over a year in fact! My heart leapt with joy seeing her. Her face, however, told a slightly different story…..
Filled with worry, she looked at my bandaged arm, my pale complexion. She’s never seen me injured like this before. I didn’t even know she was in Saints Crossing, let alone Valentine – but here she is, in front of me. I would reach over and hug her – if my arm didn’t hurt like hell!
Filled with worry, she looked at my bandaged arm, my pale complexion. She’s never seen me injured like this before. I didn’t even know she was in Saints Crossing, let alone Valentine – but here she is, in front of me. I would reach over and hug her – if my arm didn’t hurt like hell!

We went for a walk round Valentine, sitting on the hill. We caught up about the 14 months it’s been since we saw each other last. My accident, and returning home to Føroyar for a year to practice medicine.
She left The Five Territories to try to and find out about her tribe, where they were or at least what happened to them. After a year of meandering eastwards, she too found herself in Saints’ Crossing.
She left The Five Territories to try to and find out about her tribe, where they were or at least what happened to them. After a year of meandering eastwards, she too found herself in Saints’ Crossing.

Arriving in Blackwater, I stopped to check my telegrams and – I can’t believe it! It’s happened! I’ve been certified to the Department of Health! Dr Calvin wrote to me to let me know.
Oh what a bittersweet day this is. First I get shot, within minutes of waking up. Then I see Miree for the first time in 14 months. Now I’ve got the news that I passed my training with the Department of Health!
Oh what a bittersweet day this is. First I get shot, within minutes of waking up. Then I see Miree for the first time in 14 months. Now I’ve got the news that I passed my training with the Department of Health!

I suppose I’d better let him know I’m hurt – he’ll probably be curious why I’m not jumping at the change to start working. He said he had a gift for me – I can’t believe that man – did he forget he gave me $700 to get Grátt, my new horse? I had better remind him…..
I suppose I should probably check as well – his telegram doesn’t say if I’ll retain my title of Doctor or if I’ve been accepted as a medic. I telegrammed him to clear that up.
I suppose I should probably check as well – his telegram doesn’t say if I’ll retain my title of Doctor or if I’ve been accepted as a medic. I telegrammed him to clear that up.

Miree and I continued around Blackwater. Miree became most curious by the signs for the shows and other entertainment outside of the Blackwater theatre. I explained there was 2 here, but there was another theatre and another cinema in Saint Denis, much bigger than the ones here.
Her eyes lit up, she wanted to see them! We finished exploring Blackwater then set off for Saint Denis.
Her eyes lit up, she wanted to see them! We finished exploring Blackwater then set off for Saint Denis.

We arrived in Saint Denis at dark – not that you’d know it; the bright lights of the city dazzling Miree and I more than the brightest days do! Miree had the reigns, but I could feel her discomfort. So long had it been since she’d been around civilisation, Valentine and Blackwater were a lot for her. Saint Denis – the biggest city in the state, was overwhelming. But she persevered…..

Smiling, I made a shape with my fingers and held it up in front of the projector, making a giant figure on the screen below. Miree was amazed, and grinning widely she started making shapes to the projector too!
Giggling to ourselves, we spent a good while trying to make the shapes of various animals on the screen. But alas, the manager came in to get ready for the next screening and surprised to find anyone still at the cinema – let alone two young women, giggling like little girls – he asked us to leave.
Giggling to ourselves, we spent a good while trying to make the shapes of various animals on the screen. But alas, the manager came in to get ready for the next screening and surprised to find anyone still at the cinema – let alone two young women, giggling like little girls – he asked us to leave.

I smiled softly to myself seeing her like this. Even though I’ve seen Miree with her mask off probably more than anyone else, its still a rare sight. The scarring on the left side of her face still as prominent as the day I saved her after her….. attack……
God I don’t even want to think about that day. I saved her then, and I have her back now, that’s what’s important!
God I don’t even want to think about that day. I saved her then, and I have her back now, that’s what’s important!

Soon our food arrived, a tasty bowl of stew for the both of us. Our conversation fell silent as we tucked in to our food. It’s been really fun seeing Miree again, but it’s been a long day. I almost forgot how much my arm hurts, I’ve been so distracted – but all this has taken a toll on my body, I’m starving!