Hello everyone, and welcome to the Hibblejaybob Monthly News for November...... and October.... and Sept-- you know what, this is the Monthly news for July through to November - so buckle up!
While the photo off to the right is a crudely designed dramatization, it does play a big part part in why my website (and to a smaller extent my other content output) has been..... lower...... over the past few months.
Soooo yes, after triumphantly announcing a commitment to get back into regular content, the gods of fate did as they do, and in August this year, my computer was destroyed by a fire, with damages well into the thousands - and I was reduced to trying to keep up on a decade-old laptop that struggles to even.... turn on.... Oh Dear!

#SavePoint2020 24 Hour Charity Livestream
Despite initially looking like it would be several months before I'd get my computer back, the amazing team at SCAN Computers worked tirelessly to get my computer back to me in good time.
I wont go into details, but they did a lot for me, going well above and beyond to help - I'm very humbled by their help!
And their quick work meant my computer was back in time for me to take part in Save Point 2020, doing a 24 Charity Livestream raising money for the Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity!
Our main feature was trying to recreate the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Project Hospital - as well as controlling Scotland's emergency services in Leitstellenpiel.de and some other games.
Over the course of the stream, we raised £370!!! That was doubled by Rockstar Games to £740, than adding GiftAid took us to just shy of £850 - which is amazing!
That's a great amount of money for my first ever charity event, and I'm very grateful for everyone's support!
Now Streaming on Twitch!
Speaking of streaming, I am now regularly streaming over on Twitch! I've tried Livestreams in the past, but never really had the setup of time to commit to them. THAT HAS ALL CHANGED!!!
So I've finally committed to a schedule of livestreams - Wednesday at 8pm (UK time) - with an additional day's streaming (probably Sunday afternoon, but still to be confirmed). Content is mostly what you'd expect from me with simulators and games about the emergency services, but few titles like Among Us and Fall Guys and more coming your way too!
I've only done a handful of streams so for, but I'm learning as I go, and I'm always looking to build my community, so if you want to join in the stream, head on over to twitch.tv/hibblejaybob and give me a follow!
Website Content
I've taken a little bit of a break from posting too much Instagram content yet to let my website catch up. Sadly, after my computer fire, I came back to find a number of significant issues with my website, that's taken me a long time to resolve. So with that in mind, there's now THREE gaming stories for you check out - with one more storyline coming soon, but I'm keeping wraps on that for now!
I'm still updating the content on these, but click on the images below to find out more about the storylines and catch up with the stories!
Video of the Month(s)!
Given the rather large span of time it's been since the last Hibblejaybob News (I can't really call it monthly news anymore, can I?), I'm not going to post links to all the videos published during the months, but suffice they are all available on YouTube in the usual place :)
The about the Videos of the Month will come in a second article in a few days - because I've decided to revert to the original rules for celebrating success (IE, the same video can't appear on the list twice).
That'll take some time to update on here and on YouTube, so stand by and I'll get back to you!